What Does It Mean to Be Loyal as a Christian Spouse
Isaac is a relationship coach who has been helping married couples build strong, healthy marriages for almost a decade.

Keeping a film of your spouse on your smartphone can remind you of how much you love them and want to be loyal to them.
How Not to Crook on Your Husband or Wife
To some married people, the word temptation seems to be a license to do incorrect—when they are tempted to be disloyal to their spouse, they run into it as a welcome opportunity to "take a fun intermission" from the marriage and seek some excitement from someone they are not married to.
Even so, temptation is supposed to do the opposite—helping us show our loyalty to our spouse. If you desire to be loyal to your spouse, you will have to overcome the temptations that will come your style.
When you are tempted, see it is an opportunity to evidence to yourself, and to your spouse, that y'all truly honey them.
Quick Tips for Resisting Temptation
How can y'all resist temptation and so that you will remain loyal to your spouse?
- Respect yourself and resolve to maintain your dignity. Remind yourself that you lot can escape many things merely you cannot escape yourself. You volition keep to alive with your memories, the terrible mistakes yous make, and if you give in to temptation and cheat, y'all may become miserable considering of those memories, and as well because some friends will distance themselves, and y'all will lose respect amidst your work colleagues and family members.
- Recall that when y'all cheat, it will break your spouse'southward eye. Imagine the person you dearest being very miserable because you chose to have those few seconds of pleasure. Resolve not to break your spouse'south eye but because of pleasure y'all can obtain from your married woman, or married man, anyhow.
- Admit it to yourself when y'all are being tempted. Ask yourself, "What will I gain if I give in and exercise the wrong affair?" Ask yourself again, "What volition I lose if I bow to the temptation? Is it worth the cost?"
1. Avert Pornography
Even without whatever visual or mental stimulation, the sexual appetite tin sometimes exist stiff. When you intentionally excite yourself, or consciously agitate yourself to lust, past reading stimulating literature or watching stimulating movies such as pornography, you can start a fire which will exist difficult to control.
This habit can invite evil spirits into your life, and these spirits can stir animalism in your body. They will try to influence y'all to satisfy your sexual urge at any toll, anywhere. They will try to influence y'all to commit adultery.
So, you will feel no restraint and feel sleeping with someone you are not married to is okay. Consequently, you will find it like shooting fish in a barrel to be disloyal to your spouse.
Therefore, avoid pornography and stimulating literature, if you lot desire to be loyal to your spouse. If yous want to larn nearly lovemaking, read wholesome literature, and watch clean videos that teach that subject.
two. Be Conscientious About Your Relationships With Others
If yous want to exist loyal to your partner, y'all must exist very conscientious how yous associate with others.
- If someone shows an interest in you lot, firmly tell the person that you are married. Go even further to tell him, or her, how happy you are in your union. Whenever that person manages to isolate you with him, or her, showtime talking about your spouse immediately. Doing so consistently will irritate that person with time and they may lose interest in pursuing yous.
- Try to avert becoming drunk when you go to social gatherings such as parties. Getting drunkard volition weaken your resolve, cloud your judgment, and make it easier for you to cheat unwillingly.
- Practice your best to avoid beingness alone so that the person interested in yous cannot get an opportunity to seduce y'all.
three. Testify Affection Regularly
Remind yourself of your love for your spouse by showing affection every solar day. Continue to say words of love to your spouse, massage your spouse often, buss and hug to maintain the bond of love yous share with each other.
Information technology will assist you to maintain the passion in the union, and this will make you lot continue desiring your spouse which will help you to have no desire for another person.
four. Remember Your Honey for Your Spouse
Human equally we are, it is possible to feel attracted to someone yous are not married to, and to feel similar having an affair with that person.
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If you lot find yourself in such a state of affairs:
- Remember your love for your spouse.
- Retrieve judgment twenty-four hour period. Read the book of Revelation in the Bible and reflect on all that volition happen to people who disobey God and commit adultery.
- Continue a pocket-size Bible with you wherever you go. Reflect on the fact that yous will leave the social club of man beings on Earth and head for the lodge of the eternal God, the Consuming Fire who gives life but also kills, when yous face temptation.
- Consider the fact that it is non wise to take just a few seconds of pleasure, and lose your soul forever. This should brand you sober and grave. It will brand you encounter that life is a serious thing and non a big game, and you should not sacrifice your eternal destination for seconds of pleasure.
five. Don't Give Evil a Hazard
Don't requite someone who shows interest in yous any take chances to be alone with you, if you want to be loyal to your spouse.
- For example, if you are alone in the office and that person approaches y'all, find a convenient alibi to go out. You lot can say something such as, "Excuse me. I accept to get a few documents from my supervisor." Leave the room and stay away till other workers come dorsum into the room before you come back to your part.
- Alternatively, when that person comes near y'all, call your married woman, or husband, and start talking to them.
- Start saying, "I resolve to remain loyal to my spouse till the twenty-four hours I dice." Go on repeating these words and they will make you recall that you fabricated a vow to stick to your spouse till death parts you.
vi. Exit With Your Spouse
Whenever y'all are going for whatsoever social engagement, go with your spouse. This will send a bulletin to anyone who is interested in you lot that you are committed to your marriage and y'all will not tolerate anyone trying to come between your spouse and yourself.
If information technology isn't appropriate for your spouse to be at that engagement, or your spouse is indisposed, watch a flick y'all accept taken of your spouse with your smartphone, or sentry a video of your spouse, when you are facing temptation. Let affection for your spouse alluvion your eye while y'all are watching him, or her.
Reminding yourself that you lot love your spouse will increment your desire to remain loyal to your spouse.
7. Stay at Home With Your Spouse
The likelihood that you lot volition cheat increases when you like staying out after work, and hanging out with friends in bars and nightclubs on weekends.
"Afua seemed to be a cracking girl," says Kwame, who left his married woman for some other woman, merely to regret his decision many months later.
"When I saw Afua, she seemed smart, someone who would exist fun to be with. I was bored with always being in the house on weekends with Yaa, so when Afua came onto me in a bar on this Saturday, I felt it was an opportunity to break with the routine. She was actually sexy. I was flattered and started going out with her. But I presently realized I had made a terrible mistake. She was fun, aye, but very wasteful, greedy, and selfish. If I had only listened to Yaa and stayed at home on that twenty-four hours, our marriage would not have concluded on the rocks."
If you do not want to suffer Kwame's fate, make it a habit to stay at home with your spouse, especially on weekends.
Information technology does not take to be boring. Have dates at home or endeavor to do engaging and fun things together at home then that yous will exist content in the presence of your spouse.
Moreover, brand your firm a comfortable place where you will love to spend almost of your time in a twenty-four hour period. It will make you love to come dwelling when you get out. Create peace and harmony in your relationship and let it pervade throughout the home.
eight. Remember Your Children
One strategy you can utilize to be loyal to your spouse is to remember your children when y'all feel similar cheating on your spouse. When those feelings abound strong, pause for a moment and consider your children.
Ask yourself some pertinent questions.
- What will happen to the children emotionally and psychologically when they get to know that I have cheated on their father or mother?
- How will they view me if it should come to light? Will they proceed to respect me?
- If this affair should lead to a breakup, how will my children fare?
When you lot consider that your selfish activeness can atomic number 82 to the plummet of the whole family, it may deter y'all from going alee to fulfill your lustful desires.
9. Cut Ties With False Friends
"Bad company ruins proficient morals," the Bible says. Some friends can brand us practise things we would otherwise not do. They can sometimes influence u.s. and make u.s. choice up bad habits.
When y'all see that any of your close friends, or close friends of your close friends, have the habit of cheating on their spouses, let it be a alert to you. Immediately break up that friendship. Do not give that friend a chance to influence y'all to become disloyal to your spouse.
Rather, make friends with people who will have a positive influence on your spousal relationship, people who are loyal to their spouses, and have the attitude that a spouse must fulfill his, or her, marriage vows. Their influence volition make you also want to remain loyal to your spouse.
x. Cultivate Spirituality as a Couple
Brand information technology a indicate to spend time with God at least 10 minutes every day. Pray together every bit a couple and read God'due south Word together.
This spiritual exercise will strengthen your inner man, give you spiritual force, and brand it easier to resist temptation.
Inquire God to help you resist temptation like He helped Jesus to resist the temptation of Satan in the wilderness.
Pray a prayer such as, "Dear God, I thank you for this solar day you have blessed. Lord, I am going out of the house, and I will face many temptations today equally I get nearly today'due south activities. Father, delight give me the forcefulness I need today to fight off any temptation that volition come up my style. Permit your presence get with me and help me to overcome the weakness of the mankind. I commit myself to y'all today and entreat your help. Thanks for answering me. Amen," in the morning before you become to work.
It will give you assurance that the Greatest Living Power is backing you, and this will requite y'all conviction to face any temptation that will try to stop you from existence loyal to your spouse.
11. Practice Jesus' Presence
Being enlightened of Jesus' presence, or thinking that He is with you wherever you become, is i affair you can do to help you lot remain loyal to your spouse. Meet Jesus non as a character in the Bible, just as a Living Being who goes everywhere y'all become with you. Knowing Jesus is watching you will brand yous careful about how you bear yourself.
When you are tempted to be disloyal to your spouse, tell yourself, "Jesus is standing there watching me. He was too there when we said our wedding vows. I cannot neglect Him." The fear of failing Jesus will prevent you from doing the wrong thing and it will make information technology easier to be loyal to your spouse.
12. Make a Promise to Cultivate Trust
Make it your highest aim to exist loyal to your spouse. Determine not to let anyone, or anything, destroy your marriage. Talk through problems, build trust, and proceed to be romantic, and you will have a wonderful marriage.
This content is authentic and true to the best of the author's knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional person.
© 2017 Isaac Yaw Asiedu Nunoofio
Isaac Yaw Asiedu Nunoofio (writer) from Republic of ghana on April 28, 2017:
You brand very valid points!
dashingscorpio from Chicago on April 25, 2017:
Some excellent tips!
"Remember that when y'all crook, it will break your spouse'due south heart." Virtually cheaters withal don't expect to get caught!
Not everyone is religious or believes in God.
Therefore what it comes down to is: Are you are a person of your word and imagining how you would feel if your mate did it.
I agree "booze or drugs" tends to arrive easy for people give themselves the "green light" to do what they desire to exercise.
A mistake is an "unintentional" action.
No i ever "accidently" or "mistakenly" had sex with anyone!
I believe there are 3 basic reasons why people (don't) crook.
1. They're deeply "in love" with their mate/spouse.
ii. They know how hurt they would be if they did it to them.
3. They don't want to "risk" bravado up their relationship.
Past the same token people cheat for different reasons such as existence "unhappy" with one or more areas in the human relationship/union simply non enough to consider it to be a "bargain breaker". Therefore they seek to concur onto all that is "good" in their primary relationship while addressing their other "needs" on the side. They want to compliment what they take.
In other instances it'southward a case of immaturity and sometimes fifty-fifty peer pressure level. They're out with some "friends' who witness a girl or guy hit on this person and the friends egg them on to "go for it".
"Boys night out" or "Girls night out", or taking divide vacations from ane's mate to hang out with friends can be dangerous for some people. Especially for those younger than "middle age".
Many of young people secretly want to feel "single" again.
For others it has nothing to do with "temptation" merely rather "intention". They only agreed to be monogamous because they person they wanted to be with insisted upon information technology.
However his/her motto is: "Variety is the spice of life!"
For people like this monogamy is equivalent to going on a very strict nutrition. It'south non a matter of (if) they volition cheat but (when).
Some people would be happy with a "no strings attached" organisation where each person tin can see whomever they want on the side. While others only want that "freedom" just for themselves. They're possessive/jealous concerning their mate.
Ultimately cheating is a "selfish human action" to pursue individual joy.
Dana Tate from LOS ANGELES on April 23, 2017:
Very of import tips for people who want to have a happy and healthy spousal relationship. People can exist led astray by their desires. Keeping God get-go, is the well-nigh important affair and the 2nd is to always remember to go on the matrimony fresh with lots of dates. listening to each other shows respect for the others' feelings.
Source: https://pairedlife.com/problems/12-Intelligent-Ways-to-be-Loyal-to-Your-Spouse
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